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The Baltics leading trade fair organiser

The biggest and most important industry fair in the Baltics!

27–29 November Riga, Latvia

Participate in the fair

  • Boost your company’s sales in Latvian and international markets
  • Meet up and make new business contacts
  • Present your latest products and services
  • Promote your company and brands
  • Meet international partners and set up new deals
  • Sell your products at the fair
  • Showcase new technologies, gear, and tools in action
  • See what other companies have to offer and build partnerships

Massive publicity campaign

The fair runs an extensive advertising and PR campaign in Latvia, in the Baltics, and in Europe, ensuring wide interest and visits by company managers, engineers, designers, financiers, investors, scientists, and other interested parties from various countries. Participation in the fair helps in establishing new business contacts.

Apply to participate