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The Baltics leading trade fair organiser

The biggest and most important industry fair in the Baltics!

27–29 November Riga, Latvia

EMJ Metāls will provide sheet metal cutting and bending services

EMJ Metals is specialised sheet metal processing service center, who is business since 2010. Final product is prefabricated sheet metal parts made on customer order.

For today EMJ Metals provides sheet metal cutting and bending services. Final product is prefabricated sheet metal parts who is made by customer order. On today with existing equipment we can make parts with total lenght up to 8000,- mm.

  • Different type of steel- regular steel, wear resistant steel, ballistic steel, aluminum, stainless steel, ectr.
  • Additional services like welding, machining, surface treatment upon requests and availibility. Wide raw material stock, aprox 2000,- tons.
  • For defence industry full production cycle in house. With proven track records in booth industrys.

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