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The Baltics leading trade fair organiser

The biggest and most important industry fair in the Baltics!

27–29 November Riga, Latvia

Fair fees

Stand type Price for 1 m²,
if the area is 6-20 m²
Price for 1 m², if area
exceeds 20 m²
One-sided stand 57 48
Two-sided stand 65 57
Three-sided stand 68 59
Island stand 74 61
Participation fee Civil liability insurance
116 14
  • The fees are in euros, without VAT (21%).
  • The rental fee for a fair space with a standard booth is +EUR 24 per m².
  • Standard booth: booth setup and disassembly, booth structure (h = 2.5 m), rented fair space, company inscription on the cornice, lighting, information in the fair’s catalogue.
  • Outdoor fair space rental EUR 43 per m².